Sold Paintings

Title:  "Carrion"
Media:  oil on canvas
Size:  12" x 24"
Year created:  2013
Price:  SOLD

Title:  Sunset at Sunset
Media:  Acrylic on canvas
Size:  12" x 12"
Year Created:  2017
Price:  SOLD

Title:  Winter Birch
Media:  Acrylic on canvas
Size:  22" x 28"
Year Created:  2018
Price:  SOLD

Title:  The Long Winter 
Media:  Oil on canvas
Size:  20" x 20"
Year Created:  2017
Price:  SOLD

Title:  Flight Path
Media:  Oil on canvas
Size:  8" x 24"
Year Created:  2013
Price: SOLD

Title:  "Middle Beach - the Stones and Seaweed Leave an Impression"
Media:  oil on canvas
Size:  16" x 16"
Year created:  2011
Price: SOLD

Title:  "Briefly"
Media:  oil on canvas
Size:  8" x "10
Year created:  2011
Price:  Sold
*this piece is unframed, the canvas is 1 1/2" thick and its sides are painted black

Title:  "Chrysanthemum - Red, Impression"
Media:  oil on canvas
Size:  6" x 8"
Year created:  2010
Price:  SOLD
*this piece is unframed, the canvas is 3/4" thick and its sides are painted black

Title:  "Filaments of a Galaxy"
Media: oil on canvas
Size: 8" x 24"
Year created:  2010
Price:  SOLD

Title:  "Aurora"
Media:  oil on canvas
Size:  8" x 8"
Year created:  2009
Price:  Sold
*this piece is unframed, the canvas is 1 1/2" thick and its sides are painted black

Title:  "The Soul and its Protective Bark"
Media:  oil on canvas
Size:  12" x 12"
Year created:  2004
Price:  SOLD

Title:  "Through the Trees"
Media:  oil on canvas
Size:  16" x 20"
Year created:  2006
Price:  SOLD

Title:  "Liar Liar"
Media:  oil on canvas
Size:  16" x 16"
Year created:  2011

Price:  SOLD

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